GEPIR(Global Electronic Party Information Registry) is a unique, internet-based service that gives access to basic contact information for companies that are members of GS1. These member companies use GS1's globally unique numbering system to identify their products, physical locations, or shipments.

By simply typing a product bar code number into GEPIR, anyone can find the owner of that barcode's contact information. Physical location numbers and Shipment numbers can also be used as search criteria.

Since 2008, GS1 Korea has offered this service to provide, through the Internet, information on enterprises given GS1 company prefix by GS1 Korea as part of a larger, common system of providing information through the Internet on enterprises given GS1 company prefix by member organizations of GS1. It is accessible in Korean and English at GS1 Korea website.

You can search information on enterprises through physical location numbers and shipment numbers at GS1 Global website.

To learn more about GEPIR, please click here to visit GS1 Global Website.